Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Abandoned Building near Glendale Mill


Christopher George said...

I believe I have this piece. My girlfriend and I found it today laying on the rocks at Glendale Shoals. The bottom had been broken off and it looked like someone had thrown it down there. Some people don't recognize beauty when they see it I guess. It's a wonderful piece, and we love it very much.

Kris said...

I am glad it found a good home.
There are many more around town.
That one has a little extra value now I guess, because of this:

Jack Kinley said...

Congrats on another smart idea Kris. We really need to get together soon. I'll try to give you a heads up the next time I come through Spartanburg. I'm sorting of bouncing around the arts community here in Atlanta trying to figure out where I fit in. And basically, I'm finding that I just love making art and don't want to commit to any theme or discipline. I'm such an "enfant terrible!"Is Glendale Mill that creepy place on the way to Julie's parents' place?

Jo Raines said...

Do you know what these buildings were at Glendale Mill? I have photographs of them but don't know if they were stores, warehouses, or what their function was.

Jo Raines said...

Explaining the reason I ask: I have received a SC Arts Partnership Grant to create ten landscape quilts and five thread paintings on silk of historic and notable places in Spartanburg County. Working on the 8th one but need to decide on the tenth and I love the pic of these buildings but have no idea what they were. My blog is my dh miniatures blog but I will be starting a new blog featuring my fiber arts after this project is completed. joraines@gmail.com